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長野県須坂市に位置する伝統ある酒蔵「遠藤酒造場 様」に2024 Miss SAKE長野の宮澤麗が訪問させていただきました*English follows

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2024 Miss SAKE長野の宮澤麗です。
















2024 Miss SAKE 長野 宮澤麗


Visited Endo Sake Brewery

Hello everyone! I’m Urara Miyazawa , 2024 Miss SAKE Nagano.

Today, I would like to introduce to you Endo Sake Brewery, a traditional sake brewery located in Suzaka City, Nagano Prefecture, famous for its commercial “Morning comes early at Endo Sake Brewery…”.

Endo Sake Brewery was founded in 1864 as the official sake brewery of the Suzaka Domain, and boasts a history of over 160 years.


What is Endo Sake Brewery?

Endo Sake Brewery is located in Suzaka City in northern Nagano Prefecture. The brewery takes full advantage of the beautiful natural environment and clean water of Shinshu Suzaka, and the area is so beautiful that it has been selected as one of the “100 best cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan. The surrounding area offers scenery that changes with the seasons, and is especially spectacular during the cherry blossom season in spring!

The brewery believes in “making delicious sake,” and has maintained this tradition for generations. The brewery has a long history, having supplied sake to the Lord of the Suzaka Clan.



A wide variety of brands are offered, with “Keiryu” being a representative example. It is brewed by making the most of pure water and nature’s bounty, and is characterized by its rich taste and aroma. Other unique brands include “Naotora” and “Comet “(Shia)! “Naotora” is named after Naotora Hori, a feudal lord of Suzaka at the end of the Edo period, and “Comet” is characterized by its gorgeous fruity taste. Domuroku (muddled sake) is also a must try. 


The story I heard…

President Endo personally told me about his commitment to sake and sake brewing.

He told me that under the motto of “making what customers want,” the company continues to take on new challenges while preserving tradition. And some of these challenges are aimed at overseas markets.

I was also impressed by his words, “Sake is something that is brewed and nurtured.

While listening to his story, I had a chance to enjoy sake brewed and nurtured by President Endo, and spent a moment to feel his thoughts.

There is also a sake rumble machine in the store! Please come and visit there.


2024 Miss SAKE Nagano Urara Miyazawa


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